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What is Biodiverse Carbon?Biodiverse Carbon is a carbon footprint compensation mechanism based on a subscription model consisting of a monthly donation.
How does Biodiverse Carbon work?Anyone interested needs only to sign up to their prefered plan and submit their payment to become a Guardian and start the process of offsetting their individual carbon emissions. This payment is directly applied in the implementation of a set of field actions carried out by VERDE, namely: preservation of trees, or Green Giants, which naturally capture carbon, in particular through the attribution of a grant to the owners of these structures, which we call Keepers of Giants. creation and restoration of new areas and installations for carbon sequestration, in particular through tree planting
Who is part of the Biodiverse Carbon ecosystem?The Guardians, Caretakers and VERDE are part of the Biodiverse Carbon ecosystem. The Caregivers of Giants are owners, managers or tenants of properties with large trees that have joined VERDE with the mission of preserving them. The Guardians of Giants are all those who voluntarily want to reduce, calculate and offset their carbon emissions by financing actions on the ground for the preservation and regeneration of nature and learn with VERDE how to reduce personal carbon footprint. GREEN bridges the gap between Caregivers and Guardians by developing the Biodiverse Carbon ecosystem on three main fronts: • Raising funding and training citizens who want to reduce their individual carbon footprint by subscribing to the Carbono Biodiverse plans and companies that need to offset the emissions they are unable to reduce, designing together with VERDE a solution aimed at their needs; • Coordination of teams and mentoring of caregivers, in the field, to preserve biodiversity; • Ongoing scientific work to ensure the certification of offsetting carbon emissions through this project.
Why is it relevant to have a compensation mechanism focused on the preservation of Green Giants?Trees play an essential role in the ecosystem, having the ability to sequester carbon while producing oxygen, among other vital services. Due to their size, the Green Giants provide an ecosystem service of distinct value because bigger trees can support a more significant number of microhabitats essential to biodiversity. However, after starting a project to map Green Giants, we realised that since 2017, only in Lousada, more than 450 trees have disappeared, with 16% of these related to unknown causes. Part of our role is to raise awareness to the importance of these structures and create conditions to reduce the cutting rate through projects such as Biodiverse Carbon.
Who can be a Guardian?Anyone interested in reducing, estimating and offsetting their ecological footprint can become a Guardian of Giants. We accept subscriptions from companies or citizens over 18 years old.
How can I become a Guardian?Simply choose your Biodiverse Carbon plan on this page and proceed to the checkout to fill in your personal details and payment method. This step is only required the first time you subscribe, as the plan renews each month. The amount for your plan will be automatically charged through the same payment method that was originally selected. It is important that you enter your e-mail to access the benefits of being a Guardian.
What are the benefits of being a Guardian?In addition to investing in a better future based on a greater consideration for nature and the environment, by subscribing Biodiverse Carbon you will be entitled to your Guardian Kit, which includes: weekly tips, sent by newsletter, to complement your effort to reduce your ecological footprint regular reports of your personal impact as a Guardian, sent by e-mail information, sent by e-mail, about preserved and planted trees (species, location, dimensions)
How can I offset my footprint by subscribing to Biodiverse Carbon?By subscribing to a Biodiverse Carbon plan, you become a Guardian of Giants and contribute to offsetting your individual footprint by financing VERDE's action on the ground to preserve natural structures that sequester atmospheric carbon. The amount invested is applied as follows: 50% - preservation and regeneration of large trees; 30% - ecological restoration and tree planting; 20% - for internal management, fundraising actions and support for Guardians and Caregivers. With the funding obtained from subscribing to compensation plans (from individuals or companies), the project manages to guarantee the investment in the preservation of the previously identified Green Giants, through the payment of the Subsidy for the management of the tree to its owners (Caregivers) who contractually undertake to maintain and manage these structures for the duration of the contract. In this way it is guaranteed (annually) that the Green Giants continue to fulfill their role of carbon sequestration and production of other ecosystem services. This territory's carbon sequestration capacity is also complemented by the planting of young native plants in areas under ecological restoration actions, based on funding obtained through the Guardians, thus allowing, in the long term, to exponentially increase the carbon sequestered in the territory.
What are the differences between the different plans?We have created 5 Biodiverse Carbon plans allowing you to select which one suits you better. The main difference among the plans lies in the monthly investment level, which corresponds to a different set of conservation actions that are implemented. For example, a Guardian for Eternity plan has the highest investment as it allows VERDE to preserve and plant a larger number of trees. Thus, it will also enable you to offset a more significant percentage of your personal carbon emissions. The following table illustrates, in short and long-term scenarios, how each plan impacts the environment and your ecological footprint:
What are the footprint reduction tips included in the Guardian's Kit?After subscribing to a Biodiverse Carbon plan and becoming a Guardian, you will receive, for as long as your subscription stays active, a weekly e-mail with short tips about what you can do during your daily routine to reduce your ecological footprint in activities like shopping, travel, etc. You will also have the chance to provide feedback about the information presented and how it is implemented. Currently, the tips provided result from a special partnership between VERDE and ANP/WWF. If you are not interested in receiving these tips, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link provided at the bottom of the newsletters.
What does the Guardian's Kit personal impact report consist of?After becoming a Guardian by subscribing to a Biodiverse Carbon subscription, you will be entitled to receive a personal impact report, which includes the impact of your investment, as calculated by our team of biologists. Via this report, you will find out how many trees were planted, how many Green Giants were preserved with your support and the amount of ecosystem services provided during a determined period. You will also be presented with the percentage of personal carbon emissions that were offset by your subscription.
What is the scientific methodology followed by VERDE to determine how compensation is carried out?VERDE has mapped, georeferenced and characterized more than 7,400 Green Giants in the municipality of Lousada since 2017. This analysis includes estimations of the ecosystem services provided by these trees based on a tool developed by the US Forest Services ( With this information, it is possible to calculate how many Green Giants have to be preserved and the ecosystem services generated by their conservation.
How are the donations from Biodiverse Carbon used?The funds raised through Biodiverse Carbon are distributed as follows: 50% to 65% is applied directly to the preservation of Green Giants 15% to 30% are used for plantation and ecosystem restoration activities 10% to 25% is used for internal management costs
What are natural structures that sequester atmospheric carbon?The natural structures that sequester atmospheric carbon are all those that have the capacity to provide this ecosystem service when well managed and in a natural way, namely large trees (but also small ones), ponds and marine meadows. Preservation actions for these structures are all those that improve their conservation status, safeguarding their ecological value in the habitat where they are found and reducing external pressures that could jeopardize their preservation. Investment in preservation can be used to improve the conservation status of large trees through: selective pruning and aeration, selective cleaning of weeds, control of invasive species, restoration of the surrounding habitat, construction of shelters for biodiversity, among others. others. The investment related to these actions will be distributed through the Subsidy for Management and Remuneration of Ecosystem Services to owners of natural structures that sequester atmospheric carbon who undertake to preserve them by signing a contract with the management entities.
How do I finance the creation of habitats that sequester atmospheric carbon?Part of the investment raised through Biodiverse Carbon will be used to create and restore areas destined to provide ecosystem services, in particular, carbon sequestration. Within the scope of this mechanism, habitat restoration and creation actions must take into account the primary state of the area to be intervened, reducing as much as possible the pressure on space during interventions and always taking into account the future of the habitat. Investment in habitat restoration and creation actions can be used, for example, to improve the state of native forests through: creation and maintenance of a forest nursery, implementation of afforestation and reforestation program in degraded areas; invasive species control; selective weed clearing. The investment related to these actions will be used by VERDE, or others after a tender, to implement actions that clearly provide benefits in favor of long-term carbon sequestration.
Can I cancel my Biodiverse Carbon subscription?Yes, if you wish, you can cancel your subscription at any time. To do so, you just need to send us an email. We will proceed with the cancellation, which will only take effect in the month immediately following the day you have informed us.
Can I consult the Biodiverse Carbon Regulation?Yes, the Biodiverse Carbon Regulation is available for you to read, here.
What do I have to do to offset an organization's carbon footprint through Biodiverse Carbon?Subscribe to the form on the VERDE website, indicating details about the type of footprint that the organization intends to compensate (events, trips, products, etc). Inform VERDE if the organization already has a footprint calculation. Wait for the budget proposal for the compensation of VERDE's footprint. Fill out the form here.
Can I calculate the footprint of an organization through VERDE?Yes, VERDE can calculate the total carbon footprint of an organization or the footprint of a specific period, event or product. Fill in the footprint calculation request form here.
How do I offset my organization's carbon footprint through Biodiverse Carbon?Financing actions on the ground for the preservation of large trees, planting of future trees and ecological restoration by VERDE's specialized team, contributing to the preservation of forest biodiversity that the association is carrying out in Lousada, in the north of Portugal.
Why finance the preservation of large trees through Biodiverse Carbon?The Green Giants, as we affectionately call them, are natural structures that are already present in nature, have tons of carbon accumulated in their wood and have the capacity to remove more carbon than the young trees that we make so much effort to plant. Support more biodiversity; they produce more oxygen, give us more water and provide more shade. Since 2018, in the municipality of Lousada alone, more than 530 Green Giants have disappeared. Biodiverse Carbon aims to reduce the continuous felling of these trees of high ecological value, as it implies the disappearance of all the ecosystem services they provide, including the biodiversity they support and the release of carbon stored in their tissues.
Why are large trees felled?When we analyze the felling of these trees in Lousada, we identify that they were mostly due to the lack of economic valuation and the lack of knowledge of the importance of the Green Giants on the part of the private owners (between 62% and 78% of the fellings). The absence of a market that sells forest by-products from these trees in Portugal (such as harvesting acorns or wild mushrooms). The use of land for other purposes such as urbanization or agricultural intensification (with the expansion of crops under strong economic incentives from the EU, with wine production having a great expression in Lousada). The lack of a system that values and quantifies the ecosystem services provided by the green giants, translating them into a financial contribution, so that the need to cut down these trees to obtain short-term income is eliminated. Carbon Biodiverse aims to change this reality, raising awareness and informing landowners so that they become Caretakers of Green Giants, starting to have the support in the field of VERDE specialists for the maintenance of these trees and with financial support from of the Guardians.
What are the requirements to make your organization Guardian of Giants?- Submission of an internal analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from its operations or the desire to carry out this analysis; - Presentation of plans, objectives and targets for reducing emissions over time.
What problem does VERDE intend to solve with compensation solutions for Biodiverse Carbon organizations?VERDE wants to solve the problem of the lack of supply of carbon offsetting in Portugal, which means that organizations have to offset their footprint with external products.
Which organizations should join Offset Solutions for Biodiverse Carbon organizations?We focus on designing solutions for organizations that have a well-defined carbon neutrality plan and that are already taking concrete measures to reduce their emissions.
Why did VERDE create compensation solutions for organizations through Biodiverse Carbon?VERDE wants to join organizations that need to offset the carbon emissions they are unable to reduce, and help them to integrate defined sustainability policies and directives in force.
I am an organization based abroad. Can I also join VERDE?Yes, companies based outside the national territory can also join VERDE.
What are Green Giants?They are large trees with more than 1.5 meters of trunk perimeter measured at 1.3 meters from the ground and can house multiple organisms. As trees grow, they accumulate structures that serve as shelter for several living organisms - called microhabitats - and increase their ability to supply oxygen and capture carbon from the atmosphere. At VERDE, we have developed a project for mapping and characterising Green Giants, in which you can find out more about these structures.
How are Green Giants preserved?The preservation of Green Giants is based on subsidizing the Green Giant owners a grant to support the cost of managing the trees in return for maintaining them and regenerating their surroundings for a minimum of 10 years. This grant has an average value of 50€, and a priority is given to the trees that meet the following requirements: - Tree that may pose a risk to property and people - Native tree of high ecological value - Classified tree of public or municipal interest - Tree located in an area with potential for high natural regeneration of autochthonous forest. The grant calculation is based on the recommendations of the New Policy for Ecosystem Services Payment Reports for the Portuguese rural areas.
How are new trees planted?The plantations of new trees include only native species from the nursery of the Lousada municipality. They are planted in areas managed for nature conservation in Lousada through volunteering programmes monitored by professional biologists.
How is the subsidy granted to the Keepers of Giants used?The grant attributed to the owners, or Keepers of Green Giants, aims to finance the implementation of preservation actions that improve the conservation status of these trees, thus safeguarding their ecological value. The activities include pruning carried out by certified professionals, cleaning bushes, controlling invasive species, restoring the surrounding habitat, and constructing artificial habitat structures to promote biodiversity.
How are the owners of Giants selected to receive the subsidy?Any owner, manager or property tenant with at least one large tree can apply to be a Keeper of Giants. After validating all the required documentation, VERDE schedules a visit to the property to register, among other data, the large trees and estimate the ecosystem services provided by them. If all the basic requirements are met, the owner will be invited to become a Keeper of Giants and benefit from a specific grant, among other benefits.
What happens after registering my interest and receiving a visit to characterize my Green Giants?After visiting your property, you will receive a report with a monetary value assigned to each Green Giant. Attached you will find an individually prepared Action and Conservation Plan, taking into account the specific needs of your property. You will be invited to sign a partnership contract adapted to the needs of your land, based on the Biodiverse Carbon Regulation and the Action and Conservation Plan. You can always consult the current version of the Biodiverse Carbon Regulation here: Read Regulation
What is the Ecosystem Services Payment?The Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is a payment made in exchange for preserving an element that provides services to ecosystems. In the case of the Biodiverse Carbon project, the element is the Green Giant. The PSE is assigned to each tree according to: The risk the tree presents to people, infrastructure or wildfires; The ecological value and presence of refuges for animals and other species; The classification of public or municipal interest; The potential for assisted natural regeneration in the area surrounding the tree. The value assigned to each tree corresponds to the priority value (between 0 and 1) multiplied by €100, resulting in an annual payment of up to €100 per tree.
What are my duties as a Caretaker of Green Giants?With any type of contract, the Caregiver has a duty to: Preserve the Green Giant and the surrounding land; Do not remove dead wood associated with the Green Giant; Facilitate access to the Green Giants by VERDE technicians and other relevant partners; Communicate any activities or events that harm the well-being of Gigante Verde; Inform VERDE about necessary actions, events that put Gigante Verde or the safety of citizens at risk; Use technical support certified by VERDE to diagnose problems, carry out interventions or implement land uses in the surrounding area; Enable the collection of seeds and planting of new trees; Agree to the possible inclusion of their trees in tourist routes organized by VERDE, with the aim of promoting the project; Communicate to VERDE desired changes to the contract and/or Action and Conservation Plan or any changes in the surrounding area. Comply with the Municipal Regulation for the Management of Trees and Natural Spaces, which prohibits the felling and damage of native or large trees (see
What kind of activities can harm the health of a Green Giant?Tree felling, severe pruning, use of herbicides and pesticides in the surrounding area, contamination of the soil or surrounding area with diseases caused by fungi and pests, soil erosion, among other things.
Why can't I remove dead wood?The dead wood that accumulates in the soil is important for nutrient recycling and soil health. It also provides shelter for various types of animals. The risk of fire will always be assessed and controlled through selective weed clearing.
Can I classify my tree(s) as a tree of municipal interest?A large tree can be classified as a grove of municipal interest if its perimeter at breast height is greater than 2.50 m. However, the following species may be classified with smaller perimeters, namely: alder and lotus, from a perimeter at breast height of 2.1 m; alvarinho oak, from a perimeter at breast height of 2.3 m; Chestnut, cypress, false fir, maritime pine and Douglas fir, from a perimeter at breast height of 2.4 m. To order online, you can register at City Hall website. To make the request in person, you can ask for an appointment and go to the City Hall during normal opening hours. Eventually, the tree may be classified as of public interest at national level through the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests.
Já fiz a minha inscrição, e agora?Se preencheste o formulário até ao fim, obrigada! Provavelmente já estará na nossa caixa de correio. Por vezes podemos demorar mais tempo a responder, mas se em duas semanas não tiveres tido novidades, envia-nos diretamente um e-mail para
O que preciso de levar para um dia de voluntariado?Calçado e roupa confortável e preferencialmente impermeável caso esteja tempo chuvoso, chapéu, protetor solar, cantil reutilizável e algum snack para os momentos de pausa.
As atividades são feitas em grupo ou individualmente?Todas as atividades são atividades de grupo e acompanhadas. Não aconselhamos que te afastes do grupo em nenhum momento durante o trabalho de campo.
É preciso ter alguma preparação prévia?Não é necessária nenhuma preparação prévia e deves sempre tentar encontrar o teu ritmo durante a atividade, não fazendo esforços desnecessários.
Que atividades estão previstas no voluntariado?Já dinamizamos mais de 25 atividades diferentes, mas quase todas são ao ar livre. As mais comuns são a plantação de árvores e arbustos nativos, o controlo de plantas exóticas invasoras, a construção de charcos ou abrigos para a biodiversidade e a limpeza de rios e ribeiras.
As atividades ocorrem mesmo que esteja a chover?Evitamos ao máximo que as atividades ocorram em condições adversas, seja chuva, frio ou calor intenso. Desta forma, se tivermos alguma previsão de que as condições não estão favoráveis, cancelamos a atividade. No caso dos Dias VERDEs avisamos 2 dias antes, mas para as atividades do Banco de Voluntariado podemos apenas cancelar no dia anterior, pois tentamos primeiro alterar a atividade. Em todos os casos serás sempre avisado por e-mail ou mensagem escrita.
Posso levar um/a amigo/a comigo, mesmo que não esteja inscrito?Não. Todos os participantes devem estar inscritos para que tenham o seguro de acidentes ativo. Se gostavas de trazer um/a amigo/a, pede ao teu/tua amigo/a para se inscrever no formulário e avisa-nos para garantirmos todas as condições de segurança.
Como posso deslocar-me até Lousada?Poderás chegar a Lousada de autocarro ou de comboio a partir do Porto ou do Marco de Canaveses. Caso venhas de comboio sugerimos que saias em Meinedo ou Caíde e que combines previamente connosco para que alguém te possa ir buscar à estação a tempo das atividades.
Terei um certificado de participação?Sim, para os voluntários que participem no Banco de Voluntariado ou no Voluntariado de Longa Duração existirá um certificado de participação a ser enviado no final do voluntariado ou no final de cada ano civil.
Tenho seguro de acidentes pessoais?Sim, todos os inscritos terão seguro de acidentes pessoais.
Que outras vantagens posso ter ao ser voluntário?A partir do momento em que completes 30 horas de voluntariado poderás também inscrever-te como sócio/a da VERDE com isenção de quotas durante um ano.
Todas as atividades de voluntariado corporativo são realizadas em Lousada?Podem ser realizadas outras atividades nas sedes das organizações mediante pedido. Podem ser organizadas atividades noutros locais do país, mediante protocolo prévio com a VERDE.
A VERDE assegura o transporte?Tipicamente a empresa organiza o transporte.
É possível organizar um dia de voluntariado corporativo de forma gratuita?-
A VERDE assegura os seguros de acidente pessoais?Por norma o seguro dos colaboradores é tratado pela empresa ou organização.
Posso levar fotógrafo ou videógrafo para o evento de voluntariado corporativo?Sim, no caso dos dias de voluntariado corporativo não há qualquer impedimento. Caso optem pelos Dias VERDEs e como haverá mais grupos envolvidos pedimos que não o façam. Nesse caso a VERDE trata do registo e partilha posteriormente as fotografias.
Quando e onde ocorrem os Dias Verdes?De setembro a julho, em Lousada, organizamos atividades de restauro ecológico. As atividades ocorrem durante a manhã com início às 9h30 e fim às 12h30.
Como funcionam os Dias Verdes?As atividades incluem: plantação de árvores e arbustos nativos; controlo de plantas exóticas e invasoras; construção de charcos ou outros abrigos para a biodiversidade; limpeza de rios e ribeiras. Existindo um limite máximo de 30 a 50 participantes, dependendo da atividade; Cada participante tem acesso a ferramentas, seguro de acidente e será fornecido um snack; Estarão presentes monitores da VERDE que irão explicar a importância ecológica da atividade e o uso das ferramentas; Apesar de ser gratuito, a inscrição é obrigatória para poderes participar.
Quem pode participar nos Dias Verdes?Qualquer pessoa pode participar nos Dias VERDEs. Poderás juntar a tua família, amigos, movimento associativo ou colegas de trabalho para participarem; Se estás a pensar juntar um grupo com mais de 10 pessoas para participar nos Dias VERDEs entra em contacto connosco através do:, para garantirmos vagas para todo o grupo; As crianças e menores podem participar desde que devidamente acompanhados.
Como posso participar nos Dias Verdes?Para que consigas participar apenas tens de te inscrever no Formulário de Inscrição Se estás a pensar juntar um grupo com mais de 10 pessoas para participar nos Dias VERDEs entra em contacto connosco através do:, para garantirmos vagas para todo o grupo;
Se quiser ficar o dia todo, onde posso almoçar?Caso pretendas ficar o dia todo, és mais que bem-vindo, mas aconselhamos a que tragas o teu almoço, sendo que possivelmente poderás fazer picnic com o grupo e almoçar em campo.
Como sei qual é a atividade e o ponto de encontro?Antes de cada atividade serás contactado por e-mail ou por mensagem onde será indicado o horário, ponto de encontro, atividade e monitor responsável.
O que está incluído no alojamento gratuito?-
Como funcionam as deslocações até Lousada?As deslocações até Lousada e para fora de Lousada serão a cargo dos voluntários.
Existem atividades aos fins-de-semana?Não, os fins-de-semana são totalmente livres. Se quiseres, no entanto, participar em alguma atividade da VERDE poderás fazê-lo se assim o pretenderes.
Gostava de participar no Voluntariado de Longa Duração durante mais de 4 semanas, é possível?Sim, o período mínimo recomendado é de 4 semanas, mas poderás ficar no apartamento durante mais tempo caso exista disponibilidade.
Posso escolher com quem vou partilhar o quarto?A divisão de quartos é feita à chegada do apartamento entre os voluntários/estagiários que estejam a habitar a casa no momento.
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